Trains and woods perfectly describe the focus of artist Sisi Biedermann’s latest exhibition entitled: Trains and Woods. The two-dimensional paintings feature lots of color, movement, and vibrance. Certainly, there are hints of moody romantic mystery as the images of trains seem to appear as if from nowhere, and the woods are definitely dark and deep yet never forboding. Indeed, Sisi characterizes these newest works as “What the eye may see only briefly.”
Sisi who paints in acrylics, joined Secondlife in 2007 never realizing how much the virtual world would mean to her. Today SL significantly inspires her work, but she also incorporates emotions from nature itself, far away places like the Faroe Islands and Iceland. She brings us the hidden essences of what the eye sees briefly, images we are only minutely aware of but remain a part of us nevertheless. The glimpses themselves carry the artworks because when we look at the paintings, we remember.
You can see her work in SL, definitely worth the visit if you’d like to observe and live with the pieces for a while, at the Visions Of Beauty 2 fine art gallery in Secondlife.